Almost all hotels have some form of Smart TV in their rooms… And whilst for many years these have been a useful source of revenue for the hotel and something that certain guests enjoy watching.
There now exists emerging opportunities to expand the hotel’s profile on television in a unique, fun and interesting way.
Allowing hoteliers around the globe to maximize eyeballs to their properties and share the delights of what potential and returning customers will be able to enjoy upon booking and staying.
We’re talking about Connected Television
Roku, Amazon Fire & other large networks like Apple TV and even Google Chromecast allow companies such as ours to place television channels onto their platforms bringing an abundance of benefits.
Benefits that all companies need and benefits that call companies can enjoy when they have their channels produced and in place and done the correct way!
Roku, Amazon Fire & other large networks like Apple TV and even Google Chromecast allow companies such as ours to place television channels onto their platforms bringing an abundance of benefits.
Connected television channels bring benefits such as:

More exposure

Brand awareness

New bookings

Returning customers

A larger customer value

And More
This new-age method of marketing doesn’t just bring the exposure needed… In turn it allows existing customers who return home the ability to keep up to date from the comfort of their own home watching television whilst being able to re-book on their mobile devices once they realize how much they miss your hotel and how much it has to offer.
The “Holiday Blues” or “Vacation Blues” are something most travelers feel and what better way to entice them back by showing them what they’re missing out on?
Alternatively… Organically people searching online can find your connected television channel whilst researching where to go on vacation and bring in new customers.
This isn’t just a great way for repeat customers to materialize, but for NEW customers to find out more, get enticed by what’s happening at the hotel and what’s on offer.
TV isn’t just linear anymore, people can use their connected television devices to watch past events, watch live events and keep up to date with new content produced and put onto the channels the channel owners have.
Along with these kinds of television networks, the ability to have EVEN MORE avenues to connect with new and potential customers.
Samsung TV channel apps, LG TV channel apps and companies can even utilize android and iOS mobile apps to connect with, message and market to these people.
Connecting with potential customers should always be TOP priority for any business!
By using the latest television technology by way of connected television, is something that should be done by anyone wanting limitless benefits for their business.
And the best bit?
Once your television channels are up and running. Our company can maintain, host, guide and support you for all your television needs.
Contact Us Today for a free consultation or alternatively, CLICK HERE to find out more.